Monday morning, August 9th, means there are just 12 days until the start of this ride. This means I have just one more week of intense training before my final easier week leading up to August 21st. This penultimate week will see me riding almost 1 000 miles, taking in two night rides, and two double centuries amongst the other century and 150 mile routes which I am now very familiar with.
I will also be working closely with the Reviva team to optimise my recovery, while doing my very best to maintain the high calorie intake which is essential for the level of training. I was recently introduced to the selections at Bath’s Shakeaway, so I am obtaining several calories from there! This week will also see me working with the Bicycle Chain to service and repair all the bikes which I will be taking for the event. This is no small task, as the bikes have been used extensively; parts which usually have a lifetime of 4+ months have required replacing several times a month due to the excessive wear and tear which they are experiencing.
I have been extremely fortunate to escape the demands of the saddle and organisation of the challenge, and indulge in some spectacular climbing on Portland, Dorset. Tom Emery quite literally showed me the ropes and then had us scaling the cliffs in the most wonderful sunshine. It was most likely the result of a perfect blend of fear and crashing waves, but that climbing trip really cleared the mind and brought about a sense of clarity of what lies ahead…what lies ahead in just under two weeks!
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Your nerves will take a bit of a battering now Ben, as you wonder whether you have done enough, etc , etc!! But by keeping focussed, and getting as much rest as possible, you will be fine once you get under way!! Think of the fuzzy brushes…….yeehaw!!
I will be sending you lots of positive thoughts.
And I hope to see you somewhere en route.
wolf spider!! xx